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Mordy Oberstein

Head of SEO Branding AT Wix

Mordy is a renowned contributor to the SEO industry and has authored numerous studies on a variety of Search related topics. His widely shared insights have helped the SEO community better understand how Google‘s algorithm has evolved and how it often treats sites. A frequent speaker at industry conferences, Mordy is also the host of the SEO Rant Podcast and the co-host of the Edge of Web‘s weekly news podcast as well as the organizer behind Twitter‘s #SEOchat.


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state of search

State of Search: So hat sich die Suche 2022 verändert

State of Search 2022 analysiert einige der weltweit führenden Märkte und enthält alles, was du zur Planung deiner Wachstumsstrategie nach der Pandemie brauchst. Hier sind einige unserer wichtigsten Ergebnisse. Lade den vollständigen Bericht herunter, um tiefer in die Daten einzutauchen!
Apr 08, 2022