Copywriting is all about bringing to life a company's conversation with its audience.
Lots of copywriters keep a “swipe” file—a collection of successful copywriting examples—to help inspire them.
This list of 15 examples is our own copywriting swipe file that we are excited to share with you.
They highlight some of the best examples of copywriting used by companies—including why we like them.
Plus, you’ll learn how you can implement the same strategies and write powerful copy.
18 Copywriting Examples for Your Swipe File18 Copywriting Examples for Your Swipe File
- BarkBox
- Cards Against Humanity
- Death Wish Coffee
- GiveDirectly
- Oatly
- Chubbies
- Headspace
- Squatty Potty
- Omsom
- Velocity.Partners
- Lush
- Cultivated Wit
- Who Gives a Crap
- Innocent Smoothies
- Dollar Shave Club
- Hiut Denim Co.
1. BarkBox—Speaking Your Audience’s Language
We don’t know about you, but it’s hard to be sad when petting a dog.
For all the support and happiness our dogs offer, BarkBox’s mission is to make our dogs as happy as they make us.
BarkBox is a company that offers a monthly subscription service that delivers dog toys and treats, helping dog lovers keep their furry friends entertained.
And they consistently nail their copywriting campaigns.
Let’s look at one of BarkBox’s copywriting examples.

Why We Like It:
Dogs aren’t property—they’re part of the family!
The copywriting here is clever because it builds on the growing trend of dog owners treating their pets like furry people.
Why it Works:
BarkBox understands their audience.
And BarkBox knows the way to a happy, repeat customer is through a happy dog.
So, their ad appeals to the dog’s autonomy when it comes to offering refunds as part of their satisfaction guarantee, pledging “no disappointed pups”.
The top line of this Call To Action (CTA) snippet reads “Our Pack Has Your Back!” in a traditional “jingle” style—making it fun to repeat and easy to remember.
Dig deep into your audience’s interests, cover topics they care about, and develop a tone of voice they will connect with.
Then, use what you’ve learned about them to hone your copywriting campaigns.
2. Cards Against Humanity—Copywriting with Clever Use of Sarcasm2. Cards Against Humanity—Copywriting with Clever Use of Sarcasm
Cards Against Humanity has long described itself as a party game for horrible people.
And while the makers of the game are actually a group of humans that, well, understand what it’s like to be human.
Their ability to find humor, even if it’s dark, in everyday things is what makes their copywriting work.

Why We Like It:
These two quick-to-read paragraphs do a great job of explaining the game.
It also demonstrates the type of humor you can expect to enjoy while playing.
Cards Against Humanity stays true to its roots by offering a downloadable version of its game, giving would-be players the choice to sacrifice quality for free goodies.
At the same time, this shows more of the company’s trademark humor by urging people to “steal the game.”

Why It Works:
The brand appeals to its target audience by using humorous copywriting.
They know that the sort of people looking for a game like Cards Against Humanity are looking for anarchic laughs.
Making their audience the punchline of the joke is a great way to draw people in and play on their emotions.
The emotional element, whether it's serious or for laughs, is a great way to appeal to your audience.
Also, it’s important to stay true to your brand personality and translate it with your copy.
3. Death Wish Coffee—Challenging Perceptions of “Seasonal” Products3. Death Wish Coffee—Challenging Perceptions of “Seasonal” Products
If you’re a coffee drinker, you know it takes that first brew to get you rocking in the mornings.
I’m pretty sure even the most hardcore rockers are sleepy zombies until the caffeine kicks in.
But you want to rock your mornings.
That’s why you’re drinking coffee.
And Death Wish Coffee is here to wake you from your slumber.
Let’s look at my favorite Death Wish Coffee copywriting example.

Why We Like It:
Death Wish Coffee appeals to punks and rockers of all stripes with its skull and crossbones imagery, heavy-metal-inspired product names, and—of course—artful copywriting.
The top line on this product page for pumpkin spice-flavored coffee is really powerful copywriting.
It reminds consumers that the traditionally autumnal drink can be enjoyed year-round.
Why It Works:
The description explains clearly and succinctly how this flavored coffee is made.
It’s setting the product apart from other flavored coffees which contain “chemicals you can’t pronounce.”
It also appeals to coffee fanatics—the company’s target audience—who might dismiss flavored coffees as gimmicky, telling them “If you think pumpkin spice is basic, then you haven’t had ours.”
Knowing what your audience doesn’t like or appreciate can help you craft a stronger message around the things they do appreciate.
Use your offer as a balance to the hate.
4. GiveDirectly—Putting the Audience in Charge4. GiveDirectly—Putting the Audience in Charge
If there’s ever a group to tug at your heartstrings, it’s GiveDirectly.
This advocacy group helps people donate money directly to some of the poorest households in the world.

Why We Like It:
The statistics paragraph uses just two big numbers to show GiveDirectly’s impact, before employing humor to address a question that some people might find awkward to ask.
It’s a great example of using copywriting as part of a larger CTA to get people to donate.
Why It Works:
The organization’s “About us” page appeals to the reader to get involved, throws out some impressive statistics, and then dismisses fears that people in need will unwisely spend the money.
Addressing the reader as “you” and including them in the same demographic as the group’s existing donors is a great example of persuasive copywriting.
After all, who wouldn’t want to join such a positive peer group?
Addressing the audience as “you” makes the reader feel they are being spoken to directly.
Use this strategy when you want to send a strong message to the reader.
5. Oatly—Upfront and Honest Copywriting5. Oatly—Upfront and Honest Copywriting
Is oat milk really milk?
I guess that depends on who you ask.
But if you ask Oatly, they’ll give you a spunky (definitely on brand!) yes.
Oatly, which makes oat milk and other related products, is known for employing upfront and punchy copywriting to sell its flagship oat drink, as well as everything else.

Why We Like It:
This text taken from the company’s Oat Drink page manages to explain a potentially boring, technical topic—whether a product can or can’t qualify as organic—and makes it light-hearted.
The text reads as a monologue and takes the reader through the writer’s thought process when deciding how to label their product.
Why It Works:
Oatly knows the “organic/not organic” topic is hotly debated.
The decision to describe the debate over whether organic is better adds a shot of humor to a dry topic.
It then offers the reader a clear CTA where they can investigate further if they wish.
Depending on your brand’s style, a funny, well-written monologue explaining the “boring parts” works well to keep the reader engaged and entertained.
But don’t try too hard to make it funny or it’ll feel like you, well, tried too hard.
6. Chubbies—Community Building 1016. Chubbies—Community Building 101
Who likes short shorts?
Not Chubbies.
This copywriting example explains why.

Source: Pam Didner
Why We Like It:
Chubbies appeals to that fashion demographic they say is ignored: men with regular bodies who want high-quality, well-made clothes.
However, they also don’t shy away from building a community of like-minded people who might want to enjoy their products.
Their “We Believe” manifesto tactfully outlines their views on clothes and inclusivity.
Why It Works:
This listicle, taken from Chubbies’ landing page, interweaves descriptions of the company’s chief product with the team’s core values.
In a world where many brands opt to avoid politics altogether, this is a brave approach that employs good copywriting and formatting to quickly communicate what the brand is all about.
Being upfront about your brand’s core values helps attract your ideal target audience.
7. Headspace—Kicking out Clutter7. Headspace—Kicking out Clutter
On the truly “blah” days, you might not want to read.
And you definitely don’t want to have to read about how to get out of your funk.
Too much information can push you into overload—quick!
Headspace’s copywriting example is a brilliant example on how to take feelings into consideration in your copywriting.
Let’s look at it.

Why We Like It:
Mindfulness app Headspace uses copywriting sparingly but to great effect on its landing page.
This copywriting example puts the reader front and center, listing three quick benefits you (the audience) will enjoy from using the Headspace app.
Why It Works:
It’s easy and uncomplicated to read, which is perfect for someone who might not be feeling their best when researching the product in the first place.
It is a masterclass in considerate copywriting, aimed at gently persuading the audience to sign up and benefit from what's offered.
Take time to understand how your audience is feeling.
Then, take their feelings into consideration when writing your copy.
8. Squatty Potty—Challenging Taboos8. Squatty Potty—Challenging Taboos
There are some topics that are uncomfortable to openly discuss.
And even more challenging to advertise.
Squatty Potty knows that.
But they also know how to use an uncomfortable topic to their advantage.
Just one quick look at their story lets you know they don’t shy away from using potty humor to hook their audience.
Let’s review a Squatty Potty copywriting example.

Why We Like It:
Squatty Potty is a bathroom stool that pledges better bowel movements.
It shot to fame with great copywriting—including the company slogan—that makes a normally taboo subject much more approachable.
Why It Works:
This pop-up uses great wordplay, urging people to “join the bowel movement”, rather than something boring like “Sign up to our mailing list.”
Squatty Potty’s lighthearted wordplay can be seen across its entire website, billing itself as “The #1 way to #2!”.
This is a great way of using copywriting to talk about an uncomfortable subject, breaking down barriers to help communication.
Think about how your brand can rephrase the dry “Sign up for our mailing list” tagline.
Use vocabulary or phrases that will make the most sense to your audience. And, don’t be afraid to be bold and direct.
9. Omsom—Step-By-Step Success9. Omsom—Step-By-Step Success
If a picture says a thousand words, what does an infographic say?
For Omsom, everything.
Omsom knows their audience doesn’t want to spend a lot of time cooking a meal.
With this in mind, let’s look at how they use their audiences’ wants to influence their copywriting.

Why We Like It:
This is an example of good copywriting, which succinctly explains what the product is and how you can combine it with other ingredients.
The simple three-step process is explained in just seven words and three images, making it easy for anyone to understand.
Why It Works:
Omsom appeals to people who want to cook delicious Asian dishes in a short time with zero fuss.
It also uses copywriting sparingly on its website, employing a mix of infographics and text to show people how it works.
Copywriting isn’t just about the text. Use images to help convey your message.
10. Velocity Partners—Communication Through Humor10. Velocity Partners—Communication Through Humor
Is anyone else’s “unsubscribe” button hot? Or just mine.
There’s nothing worse than signing up for a mailing list, only to be then unexpectedly bombarded with a million emails.
Just like the rest of us, Velocity Partners hate spam emails.
And they offer one of the best copywriting examples to push website visitors into signing up to the company’s mailing list.

Why We Like It:
B2B marketing company Velocity Partners is unsurprisingly economic with words in their copy. No one likes excessive emails. They know this. And they’re honest about it.
Why It Works:
The messaging is clear and to the point, while making fun of the fact that no one really likes signing up to mailing lists in the first place.
The text pledges not to overload your inbox with content, while promising that what you do receive will be relevant to your work.
Addressing the reader as “you” gives the message a personal touch and an extra layer of honesty.
Use the tone of voice and writing style that are true to your brand and relevant for your audience.
11. Lush—Colorful Copywriting11. Lush—Colorful Copywriting
It’s too bad Smell-O-Vision is no longer a thing. It would make the job of cosmetics marketers that much easier!
Cosmetic company Lush has figured out how to advertise to their client base without wafting fragrant smells: colorful copywriting.
Check out this example to see how it works:

Why We Like It:
Rather than listing the ingredients, Lush creates a narrative describing the experience of using its Epsom salt bath bomb.
After reading, the audience is aching just to have this bath!
Why It Works:
Lush uses colorful copywriting to paint an attractive image of their bathroom products.
This is a great example of how imagery in copywriting creates an aura of luxury that customers want to buy into.
It also includes a well-placed CTA to persuade readers to buy the company’s massage bar.
Use imagery that appeals to your audience’s senses.
12. Cultivated Wit—Make The Technical Terms Fun12. Cultivated Wit—Make The Technical Terms Fun
Life would be boring without a bit of fun every now and then, right?
Cultivate Wit certainly thinks so.
Here’s an example of how they sprinkle some playfulness into some of the normally dull bits of the company’s website.

What We Like:
Cultivated Wit strives to use wit and humor in copywriting to communicate with its audience. And they do it excellently!
Why It Works:
Cultivated Wit has put considerable effort into humorizing links to the company’s social media and email, as well as getting the reader to sign up for its mailing list.
While this may not be an option for companies dealing in more serious subject matter, it’s an excellent approach for light-hearted industries.
Your brand doesn’t have to be in corporate mode all the time.
Your audience will appreciate well-placed humor sprinkled throughout your copy.
This will help make your brand more human.
13. Who Gives a Crap—Artful Origin Storytelling13. Who Gives a Crap—Artful Origin Storytelling
It’s safe to say toilet paper is probably one of those things you’re not thinking about until you need it the most.
Ethical toilet paper company Who Gives a Crap has made it their mission to change that, and they use storytelling to get their message across.
The company’s “About us” page is a good example of how storytelling can make for powerful copywriting.

Why We Like It:
Who Gives a Crap is a socially-conscious business that donates profits to sanitation projects the world over.
Their “About us” page uses storytelling techniques to help the reader understand their charity goals.
Why It Works:
Stories are well known for being a more powerful way of communicating with audiences than relying purely on statistics and facts.
Who Gives a Crap lays out its origin story here, impressing the company’s good works on the reader and building a stronger relationship with that person at the same time.
A storytelling approach to copywriting can effectively showcase your brand’s vision, personality, and mission.
14. Innocent Smoothies—Thinking about Your Brand Tone14. Innocent Smoothies—Thinking about Your Brand Tone
There’s a reason marketers spend a lot of time thinking about the brand’s tone of voice.
The tone tells your audience a lot about your brand before they even get to your product or service.
Innocent Smoothies understand this. And they demonstrate it in their copywriting.
Let’s look at one of their copywriting examples.

Why We Like It:
Innocent Smoothies makes use of really simple language to convey that its smoothies are just as simple — using only fresh fruit and vegetables, with no added ingredients.
Innocent has clearly thought a lot about its brand tone; the whole website reads like it was written by your favorite elementary school teacher.
Why It Works:
The subheadings relate to the text boxes directly beneath them, but also form the phrase “simple honest goodness,” a catchphrase that Innocent uses to describe its smoothies.
The text is direct and to the point without being abrupt or brusque, selling the company as a friendly and open organization that really cares for its customers.
When it comes to copywriting, sometimes less is more.
15. KLM—Appealing to Responsible Consumption15. KLM—Appealing to Responsible Consumption
Liar, liar. Pants on fire.
Most audiences can sniff out the truth quicker than anyone else, so it’s important to be honest.
KLM, a Dutch airline, does this well. Here’s an example of how they value honesty in their copywriting.

This is a daring move for any company but, done well, it helps the airline demonstrate its transparency.
KLM has a campaign urging travelers to fly responsibly, where the company is able to show off its green credentials to a more environmentally-conscious audience.
They know they have more sustainability work to do and they’re honest about it.
Why It Works:
This is a strong example of copywriting because, straight out of the gate, KLM puts its hands up and says “we know we have to do better.”
The text then goes on to lay out what the airline is doing to reduce its emissions.
This is a daring move for any company but, done well, it helps the airline demonstrate its transparency.

This is a daring move for any company, but, when done well, it helps them demonstrate its transparency.
Be honest with your audience. Don’t use your copy to hide the details.
16. Dollar Shave Club—a Play on Words16. Dollar Shave Club—a Play on Words
Razors are expensive, especially if you use disposable ones. Think about it—you’re essentially throwing money away.
And that line of thinking is exactly what Dollar Shave Club hopes you’ll follow with their ads.
Here’s a copywriting example of how Dollar Shave Club pairs a play on words with a visual to get their audience thinking.

Why We Like It:
The Dollar Shave Club’s shtick is about helping their customers save money on a hygiene product they need.
Using the word “stash” is a brilliant play on words to help convey the message.
Why It Works:
The Dollar Shave Club markets to people who most likely need to groom their mustaches.
Using vocabulary that is similar, like “stash” to refer to a stack of money, and pairing it with a powerful visual that looks like a mustache is a smart move.
It gets the audience thinking and hooks them in with the visual imagery.
The right visual aid can help make your copywriting stand out.
17. DropBox—When Productivity Matters17. DropBox—When Productivity Matters
Silencing notifications is one way to increase productivity. But it can be hard to silence all your notifications if it means silencing communication from your team. That would be annoying.
DropBox uses their audiences' frustrations to help explain their business goals.
Check out this example of their copywriting.

Why We Like It:
Some productivity tools do the opposite of what they’re designed to do. DropBox understands this frustration and uses it in their “About us” page to connect with their audience.
Why It Works:
DropBox has taken the time to understand their audience on a deeper level. Users of DropBox are busy people and do not want their workflow interrupted.
And by appealing to their emotions, DropBox is able to position their product as the “productivity tool to save the working world”.
When you fully understand your audience, you can position your messaging to reflect their needs.
18. Hiut Denim Co.—Making Sustainability Fashionable18. Hiut Denim Co.—Making Sustainability Fashionable
What’s the longest you’ve gone without washing your jeans?
Hiut Denim Co. has a club for people who go longer than six months without doing so.
That might sound gross, but they’ve got good reasons: they know denim inside and out—including the best practices for maintaining the quality of your jeans.
Here’s how they use copywriting to help their customers’ jeans stay nice and crisp.

Why We Like It:
Hiut Denim Co. isn’t just a regular fashion brand. They care about sustainability and they care about keeping their customers' jeans looking their best.
Using an infographic, we can clearly see the brand’s tone displayed in their copywriting.
Why It Works:
The abbreviation for “number” is “no.” and calling their tips “No Nos” helps convey their seriousness about laundering jeans.
Plus, there are three tips, making “no no no” even more effective.
The small details of a marketing campaign can really drive the message home to your audience.
Are you looking to save time on rephrasing your copy? Try our free Semrush Paraphrasing tool.
Copywriting done right can have a powerful impact on readers and potential customers.
Among them, these 18 examples show how different copywriting techniques can work for a variety of industries and business types.
Sometimes the best option is to use humor; other times it’s best to take a more serious approach.
Have a look back over this list whenever you need some inspiration, and maybe even share it with your wider team.
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