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Blue Lotus Creative

Blue Lotus Creative

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Gibsons, British Columbia, Canada



Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil jedes Unternehmens oder jeder Organisation ist ein solides Fundament aus sachkundigen, engagierten und leidenschaftlichen Partnern, die sich dafür einsetzen, Ihr Wachstum zu unterstützen. Bei Blue Lotus Creative wissen wir, wie wichtig es ist, in der sich ständig weiterentwickelnden digitalen Welt von heute eine inspirierende und überzeugende Online-Marke zu schaffen und zu etablieren und eine solide Wachstumsstrategie umzusetzen. Im Grunde sehen wir uns gerne als vertrauenswürdiger Partner, der unseren Kunden dabei hilft, sich einen Namen zu machen und in ihren Bereichen Branchenführer zu werden.

Seit unserer Gründung im Jahr 2008 ist unsere Arbeit konsequent im Herzen und in unseren Grundwerten Transparenz, Ermächtigung, Innovation und Empathie verwurzelt. Als Team sind wir eine Organisation, die motiviert ist, eine gerechtere und nachhaltigere Zukunft für die Unternehmen, mit denen wir zusammenarbeiten, und den Planeten zu schaffen. Wir bringen diese Werte in alle unsere Projekte ein und sind motiviert, inspirierende langfristige Partnerschaften mit unseren Kunden aufzubauen.

Unser Team besteht aus Experten in allen Bereichen, vom Website-Design über E-Commerce-Konvertierung, Suchmaschinenoptimierung bis hin zu Social-Media-Remarketing-Kampagnen. Blue Lotus Creative vereint Vision, Fachwissen sowie kreative Strategien und Ressourcen, um die Erweiterung der Arbeit unserer Kunden zu erleichtern.

Budget pro Projekt
Geografischer Schwerpunkt
  • Canada
  • Englisch


Die durchschnittliche Bewertung basiert auf Rezensionen aus Google Maps und Semrush.
Erin Halligan
Oct 15, 2024

Blue Lotus Creative has a team of skilled professionals who did an amazing job on our website for a reasonable and fair price. Their designer paid attention to details, thought about the buyer-journey through our site, and left me - a super detail oriented and picky person - with very few suggestions for improvement. Highly, highly recommend!

Keesha Carpenter
Nov 23, 2024

Blue Lotus has been helping me develop my business right from the get go and I truly feel like without them, my business would not be where it is today. From my original website design and annual updates, to additional website projects, to SEO and marketing strategies - these guys do it all and they do a damn good job of it!

Alessandra Salituri
Feb 12, 2024

Blue Lotus Creative is truly a special company. I've been working with them for over 10 years and their integrity, work ethic, reliability and quality is just absolutely incredible. The owner Gabe McCay cares so much about his clients and delivers outstanding work. I've recommended them to countless people. I'm so grateful for their support, highly recommended for website design + development and all digital marketing needs!

Lisa Christine RMT
Mar 4, 2024

Having a creative block? or just don't know how to get started building your site...let The Team @ Blue Lotus Creative distill your ideas into a user friendly site , from design to admin, you can work with a team member to design a professional site that is user friendly for you and clients. Whether it is a small site or an online sales store, Blue Lotus can take care the details, while you get back to business. I was too busy and inexperienced at editing to build my site so I asked Blue Lotus to help me get my design ideas together and looking professional. That is the difference between ideas and experience. I saved time and the value gained from a professional with design skills verses me banging my head against the wall...the choice was obvious. With Gabe's clean and sensible design style to pilot my web site, I could focus on other things. Peace of mind is worth a lot. (And their prices are normal as per market) Thank you Blue Lotus Creative

Peter MacIntosh
Oct 30, 2023

I had the pleasure of working with Blue Lotus Creative to build our website for MacIntosh Financial Group, and I couldn’t be happier with the results. Gabriel and his team were professional, responsive, and creative throughout the entire process, providing many helpful suggestions and recommendations. They took the time to understand my vision and goals for the site, and then brought that vision to life in a way that exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend Blue Lotus Creative to anyone looking for high-quality web design and development services.

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