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BlueHuki Marketing

BlueHuki Marketing

Bringen Sie Ihr Unternehmen online voran

United States



Huki ist ein hawaiianisches Wort, das die Bewegung eines Ruders beschreibt, das ein Boot im Wasser vorwärts treibt. Huki stammt auch aus der Legende von Maui, das die hawaiianischen Inseln aus dem blauen Abgrund ins Leben rief.

Im Marketing hilft BlueHuki Unternehmen, online aus dem Abgrund herauszukommen und bringt sie voran.

Wir glauben an den Wert der Investition in die Fähigkeiten unseres Teams und den individuellen persönlichen Ausdruck.

Unser engagiertes Team ist sowohl vor Ort in Washington DC als auch im ganzen Land vertreten. Viele, wie Heather, sind aktive Ehepartner beim Militär. Wir bringen jeden Kunden mit Teammitgliedern zusammen, die seine Vision verstehen.

Unsere Dienstleistungen

Schulung und Beratung für Start-Ups

Starten Sie Ihr Unternehmen richtig

Fördern Sie das Bewusstsein

Schnellere Rentabilität

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Vollständiges digitales Marketingmanagement für wachsende Marken

Erweitern Sie Ihr Geschäft

Steigern Sie Ihren Umsatz

Sparen Sie Kosten bei Kampagnen

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Partnerschaft mit Enterprise-Marketing-Teams

Erweitern Sie Ihr Marketingteam

Nationale und lokale Expertise

Beratung zu Kampagnen

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Websites und E-Commerce

Modernes Design



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Sozialen Medien


Organisches Follower-Wachstum

Binden Sie den Kundenstamm ein

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Inhalte und Anzeigen (SEO/SEM)

Verbessern Sie Ihre Online-Sichtbarkeit

Sensibilisierung und Leads steigern

Budget per project
$1,000 - $25,000+
Project duration
  • 1-3 months
  • 3-6 months
  • More than 6 months
Geografischer Schwerpunkt
  • United States
  • Englisch
  • Spanisch


durchschnittliche Bewertung basierend auf Google-Rezensionen
Andrew Treleavenauf
Apr 24, 2024

We were recommended by a friend to reach out to BlueHuki for website design in Virginia. We've been serving the Richmond area for nearly 40 years as a residential and commercial electrician. Recently we revamped our colors and branding and needed a modern website to match. Heather recommended Squarespace as an easy-to-use platform with great SEO performance as well as did a full strategy meeting to help us jump start our marketing efforts. Her team was able to build the site in just a few weeks so we could start our new marketing campaigns. One of our first email marketing campaigns had an 80% open to click rate. Both the new website and digital marketing strategy has been professionally done and quick! The number of firms that claim to do what Blue Huki has done for us can make it really overwhelming to even start the process of looking for digital marketing support, much less find a firm that fully understands the needs of a growing small business and can provide pragmatic and purpose-built solutions. With the help of Heather and her team in a few short weeks we’re light years ahead of where we were and feeling confident that our digital presence is now an asset working 24/7 so we can run the business, not a liability.

P Hauf
May 29, 2024

SEO is one of those necessary things for running a business. But it’s also one of those things that is difficult to wrap your head around while you’re running a business and wearing those 20 other hats. I tried SEO on my own. I used two other SEO companies who were not good. Then I was recommended to Heather and BlueHuki. Heather knows SEO, makes a point to stay up to date on SEO changes and has been an excellent communicator. We are now also using BlueHuki to run our larger marketing campaigns as well. Heather has been phenomenal in every step of the way and we will continue using BlueHuki for as long as we own our company.

Anita Paka (Annie)auf
Apr 3, 2024

BlueHuki is exceptional in social media management and graphic design. As a legal professional, I am thoroughly impressed by their ability to swiftly accomplish tasks that would have otherwise taken me hours. In addition to their efficient work ethic, BlueHuki also provided invaluable assistance in devising grassroots social media strategies to enhance the online promotion of my forthcoming event. I wholeheartedly endorse their services to anyone seeking support in managing their social media presence.

Maggie Hatfieldauf
Sep 2, 2023

Heather and the BlueHuki team are amazing. They are expert marketers and know their craft very well. From our first meeting, we were able to implement ideas and processes to improve our content creation and SEO strategies. It is clear that they are interested in being a true partner in our success and we are so grateful!

Jin Wickwireauf
May 17, 2023

I’ve been working with Heather for 4 years now, and Heather and her team are awesome! Not only do they put out consistent marketing content for you that’s relevant and current, but they also help brainstorm with you to come up with new ideas for your business, especially when you are in a rut or even feeling unmotivated! Heather is extremely knowledgeable about marketing and the different social media platforms, and her goal is to optimize your presence so clients can find you online through search engine optimization (SEO)! Then, she uses analytics to target where your business is coming from and how to increase your business further. I would definitely recommend Blue Huki to others and thank her for helping me grow my online process and business!

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