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Hot Dog Marketing

Round Rock, Texas, United States



Hot Dog Marketing arbeitet mit kleinen Dienstleistungsunternehmen zusammen, um erstklassige Marketingdienstleistungen anzubieten. Wir lieben es, anderen beim Wachstum zu helfen und alles, was wir tun, mit unserer eigenen Agentur und unserem eigenen Marketing zu testen! Von der Entwicklung einer intelligenten Strategie für Ihr Unternehmen bis hin zur Umsetzung Ihrer Marketinganforderungen ist Hot Dog Marketing ein Branding- und digitales Marketingunternehmen, das über Fachwissen in der Betreuung von Unternehmen verfügt, die ihre Marke und ihren Ruf als Experten in ihrer Branche aufbauen möchten.
Unternehmensgröße der Kunden
Budget per project
$2,500 - $25,000+
Geografischer Schwerpunkt
  • United States
  • Englisch


Die Anwaltskanzlei Ryan Deck wandte sich an Hot Dog Marketing mit dem Interesse, ihre sozialen Medien auszubauen und die Markenbekanntheit zu stärken, um eine vertrauenswürdige lokale Quelle für Strafverteidigung in Williamson County zu werden. Der Klient hatte zu Beginn fast keine soziale Präsenz.


Hot Dog Marketing hat eine Strategie zur Steigerung der Markenbekanntheit entwickelt, die zum Budget und den Zielen der Anwaltskanzlei Ryan Deck passt. Die Lösung bestand darin, durch soziale Medien und soziale Werbekampagnen eine stärkere lokale Markenbekanntheit zu schaffen, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Videomarketing lag.


Nachdem sie 11 Monate lang an dem Konto gearbeitet hatten, besuchten 6.802 neue Benutzer die Website von The Law Offices of Ryan Deck. Unsere Partnerschaft begann im September 2021, als es zu einem plötzlichen Anstieg des Website-Verkehrs kam. Die Social-Media-Konten des Kunden verzeichneten innerhalb weniger Monate ein Wachstum von 12 %.



durchschnittliche Bewertung basierend auf Google-Rezensionen
Dick Sangerauf
Jan 12, 2024

Jessica is always First Class. Excellent presentation well delivered and understood. I attended her session yesterday 1-11-24 and it was to a packed room of senior Managers and Business owners. She did an outstanding job focusing on Trends in Marketing: Layered Strategies; AI Powered Marketing; Optimize for voice and AI searches; Remember to Write the way people talk; Video First Social Contact; Creating Customer Delight and looking at Marketing's Flywheel rather than a typical Funnel. Remember - Responsiveness is #1. Memorable story: Best customer for Marriott is the one who had a problem with Marriott and they solved it.

Chloe Wilsonauf
Aug 3, 2023

I attended an amazing "Lunch 'n Learn" with lots of wisdom on growing a company with purpose and building brand equity. "Your purpose is your 100-year legacy".... powerful insights for all, regardless of your phase in building your brand. 10/10 would recommend connecting with Jessica and her team at HDM.

Shannon Blackauf
Jan 12, 2024

1/12/2024 Updated review...I sold my business in 2022 and thought I was out of the business game, but I'm starting another one and more excited than ever. I contacted Hot Dog Marketing to ask for help with a new logo, website, etc. and they told me they also have a monthly informational Lunch N Learn event where Jessica Scanlon, the Owner, speaks on a different topic. Yesterday's topic was Marketing Trends of 2024. I learned so much, I was took four pages of notes! Even though I'm hiring Hot Dog for their marketing expertise, I can't hire them to do everything. What I appreciated most in this month's talk was how Jessica told us what the trends were, where we could find help online to speed things up or make them easier, and the ultimate benefit if we did them. For example, I had no idea that a FAQ page was one of the most important pages on your website because AI/Google now look to it to answer prospective customers' questions and the more detail you add to your FAQ (both the Q and the A), the better chance you have that a customer will be directed to you! Or how incredibly important it is to write up the content of your website in a conversational way (formal is so, like, yesterday). My favorite tip was learning that when you take the time to record video, you can cut that content up a ton of marketing uses...a short clip to add to your blog, a few animated meme ads for that month's IG ad campaign plus of course a full blown video for your homepage or YouTube page. I have another couple dozen gems I could share, but why give away ALL that I learned? ;) And hey Jessica, you need to get a bigger space to host your Lunch N Learns. I have a feeling they are going to get crowded. ;) I am so VERY happy with the content that the team at Hot Dog Marketing creates every week for my preschool business. From what they write and articles they choose for my ads/posts as well as the pictures of our students they choose to highlight, they are outstanding on every metric that matters. It's night and day compared to the last company I hired. They are charging me less for doing MUCH better work! Our Google ranking, which was near the bottom of the first page, is now landing on the top half. We are showing up on maps when we weren't before. I've been in business for 12 years and other businesses much younger and smaller than ours were getting better results, but no longer! At our second meeting, they even gave me suggestions for the website, which I have since implemented, like starting a blog, to help drive more traffic to it. If I have a question or don't like something (no matter how small), they are incredibly responsive. And as we grow with more locations, they will grow with me, which I can't wait to experience. I am absolutely THRILLED they are handling my account and am incredibly grateful I found them.

Lisa Marie she herauf
May 3, 2024

These are the kindest, most educated people you can find in marketing. If you're not sure yet, check out their website for seminars and educational materials.

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