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Die Agenturen werden Sie innerhalb von 2 Tagen kontaktieren und Ihnen Vorschläge unterbreiten, wie sie Ihnen helfen können.
Das Ausfüllen des Briefings verpflichtet Sie nicht dazu, jemanden zu beauftragen.
Keine Agenturen entsprechen Ihren Projektanforderungen
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Schritt 1/3
About your project
Key requirements
Erforderliche Dienstleistungen
Beispiele: „Ich brauche ein SEO-Audit für meine Website", „Ich suche einen Google Ads-Experten"
Budget and timing
Geschätztes Budget pro Projekt
Geschätzte Projektdauer
Location and language
Standort der Agentur
Schritt 3/3
Your brief was sent to 0 best-matching agency
Diese Agenturen bieten die von Ihnen gesuchten Dienstleistungen innerhalb Ihres Budgets an. Nach Kontaktaufnahme können Sie Ihre Optionen vergleichen und sich den idealen Partner entscheiden.
Spokane, Washington, United States
Unternehmensgröße der Kunden
Budget pro Projekt
Geografischer Schwerpunkt
United States
We brought Jack Pine Media on board to do a complete update to our seven year-old website in the healthcare was loosing it's juice. I heard that Jack Pine did SEO & PPC and other content related work, but wasn't sure about complete website builds (ground up). Jed Whittaker, Founder, reassured me that knew web technology and would be a good fit for our project. We found some content to re-purpose, developed new and amped up the SEO and Accessibility (Google Lighthouse 92 and 96, respectively). Most importantly, the focused on CTA's and it now prompts prospective customers to contact us throughout the web experience. Dylan Morton and Drew Villacote and the TEAM, exceeded our expectations with the completeness of the finished product. Our old site was on Wordpress hosted on Bluehost and we wanted to stay there, so the accommodated with contemporary themes and the latest plugins. We are so appreciative the care and workmanship they exhibited throughout the process! NKY Speech & Language Services
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How it works
Tell us about your needs and describe your problem, so the agency understands what you want to achieve.
The agency will contact you shortly and suggest how they can help.
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Contact details
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Email address
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Step 1/2
About your project
Key requirements
Services required
Project industry
Examples: “Need SEO audit for my website”, “Looking to hire a Google Ads professional”
Project description
Budget and timing
Estimated budget for this project
Estimated project duration
Your location and language
Your brief was sent to Jack Pine Media
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