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Viareggio, Tuscany, Italy



Valnan Communications ist eine Online-Kommunikations- und Marketingagentur, die ihren Kunden eine einzigartige Mischung aus Dienstleistungen, Technologie, Beratung und Schulung bietet, um italienische und internationale Unternehmen im digitalen Transformationsprozess zu unterstützen und den neuen Weg zwischen Angebot und Nachfrage für die Vermarktung der Marken zu unterstützen Region näher an den Verbrauchern.
Budget pro Projekt
Ab $2,500
Geografischer Schwerpunkt
  • Italy
  • Englisch
  • Spanisch


Die durchschnittliche Bewertung basiert auf Rezensionen aus Google Maps und Semrush.
Elisa Martini
Apr 18, 2024

How to understand if the agency is right for you? Through the people who work within it. Giulia Bezzi and Francesca Rosselli deal with SEO in Valnan and with their great expertise they have made available a free course to produce quality web content, also with the support of AI. Commitment, dedication and great experience shines through in every contribution which is described and explained in an in-depth and clear manner. This is a plus when choosing an agency that must first understand the customer's needs, but which also knows how to explain them in a simple way, establishing a relationship of trust and mutual esteem.

susy mantesso
Apr 11, 2024

I got to know the Valnan reality by following Giulia Bezzi, an SEO expert who collaborates with the agency. They gave me the opportunity to acquire skills through WebAiWriting, an initiative that allows many professionals to delve deeper into the topic of artificial intelligence applied to content marketing. Francesca and Giulia are tackling the topic of written content respecting the EEAT rule, writing valuable content, not only for Google but above all for users. Great opportunity. Susy

Stefania Fornasier
Apr 22, 2024

I am following the Web AI Writing online course created and directed by Giulia Bezzi and Francesca Rosselli. I really appreciate the mix of theory (starting from the basics) and practical examples they bring. We can immediately put into practice what we learn from time to time, both in corporate and personal projects.

Paola Giudici
Apr 14, 2024

I met Valnan thanks to a course held by Giulia Bezzi and Francesca Rosselli on WebAiWriting. A precious opportunity to learn to write according to the E-E-A-T rule, knowingly using AI (as allies) and ensuring you create valuable content for customers and also for Google.

Apr 10, 2024

Professionalism, empathy, human touch. They put you at the center of their world and with commitment, consistency and dedication they guide you to enhance your brand and make you stand out on the market. But not only that. The spirit of collaboration and the high-performance skills of their team will allow you to always be one step ahead in the digital world.

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