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Vertical Web

Vertical Web

Wir sorgen dafür, dass das Web funktioniert

Houston, Texas, United States



Vertical Web ist eine schlüsselfertige Full-Service-Agentur für digitales Marketing, die sich auf SEO-, Webdesign- und Social-Media-Dienste spezialisiert hat. Darüber hinaus kümmern wir uns auch um die Reparatur von Websites, die aus den unterschiedlichsten Gründen Schäden erlitten haben. Wir reparieren, was andere kaputt gemacht haben. Vertical Web hat den Standard für den Erfolg im Internet-Marketing gesetzt.
Budget pro Projekt
$2,500 - 5,000
  • 3–6 Monate
Geografischer Schwerpunkt
  • United States
  • Englisch


Die durchschnittliche Bewertung basiert auf Rezensionen aus Google Maps und Semrush.
Brad Myers
Dec 12, 2022

I recently switched my website hosting to Web Vertical, and I couldn't be happier with the results. After my website was attacked (while using a different hosting provider) and watching the dramatic decrease in traffic, I was feeling pretty discouraged. In the past, I had worked with Beth Guide and had success with websites. With her help at Web Vertical, I quickly felt better about my website's safety and security. Within just one month of using their hosting services, I could already see an increase in organic traffic. I mean... It went up like crazy! In fact, I was now literally looking at a 45-degree upward angle on the organic traffic graphs. It truly is amazing what hosting can or cannot do for you. Web Vertical is definitely worth 5 stars from me! Beth is an absolute expert when it comes to website security and hosting. She knew exactly what I needed and guided me through everything, step by step, making the Web Vertical customer service first-rate. I've learned my lesson about hosting... Don't be tempted by the free Webhosting offers! Trust the experts like Beth Guide at Web Vertical. She knows her stuff and you will definitely get great results following her lead! Highly recommend! :)

David Moore
May 16, 2022

Beth and her team are consummate professionals. Too many people settle on sites that are simply assembled ... they know somebody who knows how to create a website. Then, they wonder why nobody is seeing their site. Vertical Web "builds' sites that rank. They research and agonize over content, content creation, navigation and optimizing page structure to make sure your site has a fighting chance is a sea of websites. Vertical Web does not assemble sites, they build (in every structural sense) professional sites that Google recognizes, appreciates and rewards.

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