Organische Recherche
How do keyword filters work?

How do keyword filters work?

You may have noticed that under “Advanced Filters” there are 5 ways to use a keyword to filter a report in Domain Analytics. Each filter type allows you to gather different research.

How do keyword filters work? image 1

The logic works in the following way:

Containing - keywords in the table should contain the exact phrase entered in the filter. (Example)

Word matching - keywords in the table should contain all words from the phrase entered in the filter, but not necessarily in the exact order. (Example)

Exactly matching - there should be only one keyword in the table and it should match the exact phrase entered in the filter. (Example)

Begins with - keywords in the table should start with the phrase entered in the filter. (Example)

Ends with - keywords in the table should end with the phrase entered in the filter. (Example)

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